Hey there!

This whole Notion is quite the work in progress…aka, kind of a cluster ¯\(ツ)/¯ But, I wanted a place where I could share more info on the designs that I share. I also figured I might as well just keep it as a public notebook where I document stuff while I work on it…Unfortunately that means much of this site is going to be approximately as organized as my brain…meander at your own risk :)

Who am I (not in like a ‘doxing’ kind of way…but you know what I mean)

Hey there! I’ve gone by ‘Bubby’ or ‘Bubs’ for as long as my oldest niece has been around, and when I decided to start…whatever it is this is…it felt like the only fitting name to go by.

I am a mechanical engineer, both by profession and by passion. For as long as I can remember I have loved the satisfaction of taking some appliance or anything else mechanical apart and figuring out how it does the thing that someone crafted it to do. In the time since the days of my mom coming home to a deconstructed vacuum cleaner, I earned my BSME and MSME, the latter of which with a focus in Precision Machine Design. In the ten(ish :) ) years since, I’ve been fortunate to work on some unique projects with some exceptional people.

My goal with this Notion site, as well as with all of the other things I have/will put on the webs as “Bubs”, are my way of trying to share my love of all things mechanical design with a community larger than just those within the same ‘org chart’.


This section contains all the pages on projects, past and present. From the quick “one-off” projects like for a desktop caliper stand to the longer term and larger scope like the recently-started “Brainy Beds


General Technical Stuff

This section contains a couple of different categories of info. The first is ‘quick reference’ type stuff, like fastener sizing charts, for example. The other category is more “explainer” article, like how-to articles on designing a flexure mechanism for a fast-tool servo, or just my take on using heat set inserts

General Technical Stuff

My Toolbox

Info on some of the tools I have the good fortune of playin with!…and some that I make do with. Don’t worry, I won’t hold back in pointing out which is which :)

My Toolbox

To fit a plane to a collection of 3D data, we can use the least squares method. The equation for a plane is given by:

\[ ax + by + cz + d = 0 \]