Concept is to use magnets to provide the closure force for a bag clip. Original concept also included a magnetically preloaded kinematic hinge concept, but it had a higher parts count and was a little bit of a PIA to assemble, so I switched over to this flexure hinge which I think/hope will be all around easier!…here’s hopin

Here is the concept sketch


The idea being that the magnets at the front are attracting and those in the squeezey side are repelling. This config should help linearize the force of the magnets (kinda :) ). In the center is a notch flexure that will act as the hinge. I was aiming for a simple constant cross-section to make for a quick, easy test print.

And here is the first rev in Fusion. As you can see I basically just copied the sketch. I designed around these 30x10x3 bar magnets. They are almost certainly going to be a little overkill, but I wanted to make sure to have sufficient field to overcome the gaps and hold the bag securely….we shall see (first test print running as I type :) )


I was a little disappointed in the strength of the magnets, and I definitely made the clamp longer than it needed to be (…length? I guess I don’t have a naming convention… Length == distance from one pinchy end to the other pinchy end….#engineered). But even with that, it works otay! And to be fair to the magnets, I think it’s probably a little unfair to expect them to permeate multiple layers of plastic AND whatever bag they’re on, so I should cut em some slack :)



But I did do a number of small tweaks, playing with magnet configs and dimensions. Here is the most recent version, and the one I’m currently using, but I’m sure another revision will come along once I get frustrated with this one for whatever reason. The most significant difference was the change in magnets. To make the print faster while I iterate, I decided to go with these shorter magnets…but lots more of em :) They are 12x6x3mm bar magnets in the same push/pull config as before. Although I made it ‘thinner’ to speed the prints, I kind of like the form factor on these. If you end up making some, I’d love to hear suggestions!*XZRTDaCNVxyJS-zG7CK7Cw.jpeg

That’s all on this one for now!

*Please note, many of the links contained in my articles are “Affiliate” links through that vendor. Unless specifically otherwise mentioned in the context of the link, these are items that I purchased and used from that same product page for whatever the project (or prospective project) was. I use these Affiliate links to help recoup a little of what I spend on project materials, etc. (if you’d like a sense of scale….in the week that I write this, I have brought in a startling $0.75 :) ).